Universal database naming conventions
Universal database naming conventions

universal database naming conventions

The name should contain alphanumerics, hyphens, and underscores.The name should be within 3 to 60 characters.It should contain alphanumerics and hyphens.The name should be within 3 to 63 characters.The name should contain alphanumeric, underscores, and hyphens.The name should contain alphanumeric, hyphens, underscores, and periods.The name should be within 3 to 24 characters.You can’t use %&\?/ special characters.The name can’t end with a period or space.The name should be within 1 to 180 characters.The name should be within 1 to 512 characters.The name should start with a letter and it should contain alphanumeric and underscores.The name should be within 1 to 128 characters.The name should start with a letter and should contain alphanumeric.The name should be within 1 to 64 characters.It should contain alphanumerics, underscores, and hyphens.The name should start and end with an alphanumeric.The name should be within 5 to 50 characters.It should contain lowercase letters, numbers, and hyphens.The name can’t start or end with a hyphen.The name should be within 1 to 63 characters.The name can’t start with an underscore.The name should be within 1 to 15 (Windows) and 1 to 64 (Linux).It should contain alphanumeric, underscores, periods, and hyphens.It should contain alphanumerics, underscores, periods, and hyphens.The name should Start with alphanumeric.The name should contain alphanumeric and underscores.The name should contain alphanumerics and underscores.The name should be within 1 to 80 characters.It can contain alphanumerics and hyphens. The name should be within 2 to 64 characters.The name should be within 3 to 30 characters.The name should be within 1 to 50 characters.The name should be within 1 to 260 characters.It can contain Alphanumerics, periods, underscores, hyphens, and parentheses but can’t end in a period.The name should be within 1 to 90 characters.You can not use *#&+:? special characters.The name should be within 1 to 256 characters.It should contain alphanumeric characters.The name should contain lowercase letters and numbers.Naming rules and restrictions for Azure resourcesīelow are some Naming rules and restrictions as part of Microsoft Azure naming conventions Servers The format for the name of the Web app is app.The format for the name of the VM storage account is stvm.The name should start with prefix stvm.The format for the name of the Virtual machine is vm.The format for the name of the virtual network gateway is vgw.The format for the name of the Network security group is nsg.For example: pip-SharePoint-prod-centralus-005.The format for the name of the Publicip is pip.The format for the name of the Subnet is snet.The name should start with prefix snet.If you will see here the information is very clear vnet is the virtual network, prod is for production environment, centralus is the region you belong to.The format for the name of the virtual network is vnet.The name should start with prefix vnet.There are some prefix recommended as part of Microsoft Azure naming conventions, before the name of the Azure resources Virtual network There are some restrictions on the length of the resource names.In Azure, the resource name must be unique within its scope.If you will see the information is very clear here, the name contains public IP( pip) with the environment details( prod) and Region details( central us) etc.For example, if we are naming a public IP resource for a development workload, then the name should be like pip-SharePoint-prod-centralus-005.

universal database naming conventions

Universal database naming conventions full#

When you are naming the resource, the name should contain some meaning full information.It is always better to follow the Microsoft Azure naming conventions while naming a resource in Azure It is always best practice to follow the Microsoft Azure naming conventions while you are naming any of the Azure objects or Azure components. Naming rules and restrictions for Azure resources.Re-commanded prefix For Azure Resources.

universal database naming conventions

Apart from this, we will also discuss on the below topics In this azure tutorial, we will discuss Microsoft Azure naming conventions.

Universal database naming conventions