In the beginning, the curiosity and the fun at developing new worlds were what the programmers drove, but the more time passed, the more today’s “P-Server scene” rose. Probably the most well-known program over which in the early days the Pserver ran was the VPN client “Hamachi”. The first Metin2 private servers were created after the release of the official Metin2 server files, which hobby programmers took advantage of to create private servers for the first time.

In summary: Should you play a Metin2 private server? If you are tired of hours of levelling, boring questing and spending a lot of money, then you should definitely try a private server.Īnd if you need help figuring out where to start your search, our toplist is a perfect place to start. Game adjustments, new systems or events can be added to the game at any time, thus keeping the complete server climate always at the highest level. Another advantage that the admins of P-servers have is to have the freedom in any situation to do what is best for the server. Since the private server admins are mostly Metin2 players themselves, P-servers are much more tailored to the player and optimized because the admins are, unlike the company that operates the official Metin2 server, Often, item shop items are also available in the game by farming.

#Metin2 hileciler for free
While it is on the official Metin2 server only possible to be the best by investing a lot of money, you can belong to the best on private servers for free if you invest enough time.Īlso, P-servers offer an item shop where you can get coins for real money to buy game items, but this is usually much cheaper than the official Metin2 server. A significant factor why p-servers have gained so much popularity is the factor that the official Metin2 is moving faster and faster and more into the "Pay2Win" track.